These posts are visible with my most recent writing at the top, but the story starts with the first post. The poems have been added more or less as they surfaced and evolved through the process. Thank you for taking some time to explore with me. For more information and/or to schedule a reading contact me at"> Bio page for Find Maine Writers:

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Sparkle Moments

Porter Lake, Maine

I was sitting by the shore of Porter Lake yesterday after swimming with a good friend. We were marveling at the view and the clouds when the sun worked its way through to the surface of the water. There was just enough wind that the tiny waves and sunlight combined to produce a lovely dance. We sat feeling awestruck and grateful for the natural display and the shared experience.

Sparkle Moments

Sparkle moments -
those times that
can quietly penetrate 
the busyness of life.
How fortunate we are
that all around us
they dance.
Each of us a body
afloat on a tiny spinning
planet in the cosmos.
Our own entity
and part of a whole,
we need to pause and
allow the sparkle moments
to buoy us as we navigate
this intricate,
precious life.
Sarah Carlson
July 7, 2016

Monday, July 4, 2016


Clearwater Lake in the evening - June 14, 2016

I took this picture the evening of the last day of school. A friend had invited me to her camp, but something had come up and she didn't show. I sat on her dock alone, but not. I felt my body, my mind, my spirit just begin to relax. It had been a very full year with growth and heartache, emotion and discovery, and so much more. Though it was challenging, it was all good. I've known that a poem has been lurking within, but it didn't come until today:

Tempestuous, trying times
are well over,
and mulling over the murkiness
has greatly enhanced my light.
More comfortable in wrapping my arms
around the bounty that surfaces
 as I explore the delightful depths,
my amenable heart continually heals.
Throttling down my active mind,
more often I experience the actuality
of life’s moments without apprehension.
My tender, sensitive spirit is
quenched and soothed by
coursing waters, caressing hillsides,
luminous clouds, and other sightings
of ubiquitous love.
I know there is more below the surface,
but I have the ability to twist the lens,
examine the reflections
and glean whatever
is needed from the
surges and swirls,
 eddies and calms,
 varied hues of grays.
I can allow myself to submerge
 in the sweet, subtle currents of
my true essence.
Sarah Carlson
July 4, 2016