There is so much that I could write to explain how this poem emerged. It has taken quite a while to come, but it wasn't at all stressful to wait. In fact, it's been really sweet. Many 'ah-hahs' have happened over the past few months - things I had thought I already understood, but that have now truly become embedded in my fabric. Many, many meanderings and I'm very grateful for all that has come from this extremely labor-intensive personal work. I'm so glad that I chose to head into the darkness, the hurt, so that I could release and learn and grow. That's not to say it hasn't been difficult at times. It has really been quite a ride. It is, however, very tiring to hurt and it occurred to me recently that at some point one must choose to walk away from the pain if possible. Walk away and take all the learnings and understandings into the newness. And I think now is the time for me. Of course I know that life cannot be without difficulty, but I finally realize that it is deeply right to feel good whenever one is able, that I don't deserve to be in pain all the time. This is the piece that explains all this as best I can at this juncture...:)
Beautiful… Being
Bones for structure, muscles for power,
skin to hold us in.
Lungs for breathing,
eyes for seeing,
for beating and feeling.
Minds for contemplating, processing,
wondering, remembering, believing.
Past experiences - both good and bad,
happy and sad,
interweave to provide a
structure with which we
have the ability to use our free will to
interpret and inhabit this world.
Each of us a body and soul
that form an inherently beautiful being.
Gratitude for all that we are,
all that we have.
Hopes for inner peace and understanding
of personal power while
maintaining and cultivating
connection to Nature, Nurture
and Love.
Sun and moon and earth,
together in the cosmos,
provide a place where it is
inherently beautiful… being.
Sarah Carlson
January 1, 2013