These posts are visible with my most recent writing at the top, but the story starts with the first post. The poems have been added more or less as they surfaced and evolved through the process. Thank you for taking some time to explore with me. For more information and/or to schedule a reading contact me at"> Bio page for Find Maine Writers:

Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Peace of the Pines

I share this one with a gentle reminder that some of us, for varied reasons, are going to be socially distancing largely alone. Let's all remember to check in with one another. Let's stay connected, maybe even strengthen connection, as we weather the wild and unpredictable winds that are blowing right now.
May you find the peace of the pines in your own lives during these trying times.
The Peace of the Pines

Setting out into the woods
she slides one foot in front of the other,
finds a tentative rhythm
on the changing surface.
She decides to climb
to the top of the ridge,
 skis a few loops
as anxious tensions release,
replaced by the pleasure of
physical exertion and
Reluctant to head back down,
once more she makes her way to the top,
 recognizes a gentle knowing
that’s drawing her there.
Pausing in the familiar stand of pines,
she allows her breath and heart to settle.
She watches and listens
as sun-kissed trees sway
in diverse winds
against the backdrop
of a brilliant blue sky.
In the sights and sounds of winter woods,
understanding slowly comes
as the heaviness of collective sadness
lightens a bit.
She takes a deep breath,
smiles and remembers
 that, as always, Nature knows.
Though each tree stands separate and singular,
their roots hold the ground together.
Isolation and connection
right there in front of her eyes.
Filled with the wisdom of the woods,
 the peace of the pines,
she gratefully, gallantly
 turns toward home.
Sarah Carlson
March 15, 2020

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