I seem to have circled around, twisted the lens on what the title of my second book means. The motion of stillness, the health of the dissolution of that which is not viable to one's authenticity.
Quiet Currents
I slide quietly
off the dock
as sunlight slowly expands
into a cloud swaddled sky
and onto the barely rippled pond.
My feet leave the ground
and I rejoice
at the familiar comfort
of being buoyant and free.
I’m a bit achy
from a misstep that led
to a fall
just the evening before,
which enhances the freedom
and delight
even more.
I swim slowly,
soft waters
embrace my skin,
harmonize my body,
nurture my depths.
Quiet currents
of a summer morning
stir deep gratitude within.
Thank you….
to the Divine –
both in the wideness
and in me,
to the waters –
both of the lake,
and of me,
to me –
both in my body,
and in the wideness.
to all beings who notice,
honor, allow –
I do, too.
Sarah Carlson
July 29, 2022