These posts are visible with my most recent writing at the top, but the story starts with the first post. The poems have been added more or less as they surfaced and evolved through the process. Thank you for taking some time to explore with me. For more information and/or to schedule a reading contact me at"> Bio page for Find Maine Writers:

Sunday, April 10, 2016


April 2016 in Flint Woods - Farmington, ME

Recently I've had many, many "oh!" moments. It's been quite wonderful, but slightly disorienting, as well. At least that's what I thought for a time, but then I realized that what's really happening is that I'm reorienting. I'm optimistic, grateful and excited.... and a bit tired at times, too.
Today I went for a woods walk, knowing that writing needed to happen. I sat at one of the overlooks in Flint Woods, a view of Mt. Blue in a sparkling spring sky dominating the scene. I pondered and then followed a desire to close my eyes for a bit. A cool wind came and went as I zipped up my jacket and listened - within and without. Suddenly a visual of a gnarled hand came to view - one I've 'seen' before. I felt strong and sure and I said, "Let go... enough!" Right after that several birds started chirping and singing quite loudly. Or maybe they had been all along and I just heard them differently. I'm not sure, but it felt powerful and 'right'. As I walked back to my car an icy puddle at the side of the trail caught me eye, stopping me in my tracks. I took several pictures and knew that the one I've included above had to do with whatever was surfacing... and then I came home and wrote this over the next several hours.


I’m not feeling quite right.
But I don’t feel wrong either,
and that’s novel for me.
I think there’s some depth
at which I don’t quite know
what right actually feels like - yet.
It was not right
that my childhood feelings
were often twisted into knots by
 those who should have
embraced me with love.
That’s true. It happened.
But it’s also true that I transformed
those confusing experiences
 into good as best I could.
I’ve done well
and the gnarled, frosty hand
 that still tries to grab me
 when my being  flows free
no longer has much pull.
As I more keenly understand
my inner essence
I feel distance and protection
from its piercing pinch.
More and more I reorient,
settling into the cozy comfort of me
 just as I am,
feeling whatever I feel,
at any given moment of my life.
And that is very, very right.

Sarah Carlson
April 10, 2016

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