These posts are visible with my most recent writing at the top, but the story starts with the first post. The poems have been added more or less as they surfaced and evolved through the process. Thank you for taking some time to explore with me. For more information and/or to schedule a reading contact me at"> Bio page for Find Maine Writers:

Saturday, September 14, 2019

In the Currents of Now

This piece has been a long time coming and was challenging to write. It's also one that I was initially reluctant to share, while at the same time it feels right to do so. I decided to not try to figure out the why of that, so here it is.

In the Currents of Now

By the shore of her serene lake
she dips her toes in the water.
With a gentle sigh
she decides to slide all the way in.
Relaxing in the beauty of
her inner landscape,
her vibrant smile reflects
how nice it truly is within.
At the very same time
 deep, stale sorrows swirl
with an energy mostly of release, 
not threat,
though sometimes it is still
hard for her to tell the difference.
She learns to find solace
in not always understanding
 the source or the meaning
of that which goes.
More and more at ease
 with whatever is there,
she lets go the urge to
remember, relive, rerun
distressing scenes of the past.
She encourages her own self
to trust her healing
without trying so hard,
caring too much.
Deep weariness washes away,
replaced by even deeper comfort.
Turning her gaze to the sky above
she feels those stories of so very long ago,
the ones that had her believing
inherent wrongness,
lose their veracity and ferocity.
Her body slackens as a refreshing faith
that feels both foreign and familiar
saturates and revives.
Softly, slowly it dawns on her
that maybe,
just maybe
she can consider herself
a conduit
 to and from the Divine.
The mutuality, relationship
she has been craving
is right there, right here.
Hopeful, she lays back
and floats more fully
in the currents of now.

Sarah Carlson
September 12, 2019


  1. Wonderful Sarah! I can only say "yes"! "Sliding all the way in, relaxing in the beauty of her inner landscape" - beautiful phrase! I have been doing this as well, spending a lot of time in the deep silence of the "inner landscape", finding the inner Rhythm again and it has been very healing; being able to visit those deeper place of sadness/sorrow without resistance. There *is* a deeper comfort, a deeper solace in the "inner world"- just being... And most definitely a "conduit" to and from the Divine. So lovely.... Thanks for sharing this, and sharing yourself through this...

    1. Thank you! I appreciate hearing how these pieces resonate with you. I'm so glad you are finding a similar comfort and solace.

  2. Lovely Sarah, I resonate with the concept of the conduit... always...
