These posts are visible with my most recent writing at the top, but the story starts with the first post. The poems have been added more or less as they surfaced and evolved through the process. Thank you for taking some time to explore with me. For more information and/or to schedule a reading contact me at"> Bio page for Find Maine Writers:

Monday, May 30, 2022

The Power of Love

On this the 20 year mark of Barry's death, I share with so much gratitude for having had the time I did with him, for the children we raised, for the grandson who brings so much light and love to our lives, and for the ways I have found to grow along the way.
 The Power of Love

Taking an evening stroll
around our loop,
paddling to a favorite rock
on the shore of a quiet lake,
seeing a familiar twinkle
in the eyes of our grandson.
My thoughts circle back
 to tender memories,
softly tinged with missing you,
that continue to hold so true.
Sacred fog may surround,
 clouds may open
to the warmth of the sun
or the tenderness of
a glowing moon.
You are there, here
with us all.
The deep despair
of your passing
has slowly transformed
to a gentle grief.
Not a burden to carry,
more a sweet reminder
of the power of  Love.
I felt it when we met,
through our lives together,
on the day you died.
I feel it still,
a constant source
as I continue to explore,
and heal.
Sarah Carlson
May 29-30, 2022

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