These posts are visible with my most recent writing at the top, but the story starts with the first post. The poems have been added more or less as they surfaced and evolved through the process. Thank you for taking some time to explore with me. For more information and/or to schedule a reading contact me at"> Bio page for Find Maine Writers:

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Letting joy in and out

I think this might be a good place to revisit that as one learns to acknowledge sadness and despair with the intent of letting go there becomes more and more room to experience other emotions ... like joy. I alluded to this earlier in the post titled Moments of Joy, but as I continued on I remember more distinctly feeling the tandem nature of letting go and being able to let other things, good things, in. I noticed this several times out in the natural world as I explored my shadow, which would sort of creep into my consciousness as a more free and playful side of me. Two of those times made their way into this poem.

I've also noticed lately that once you feel more comfortable with feeling joyful within it more naturally flows outwardly, as well.

Me and My Shadow

Hello wonderful shadow.
I’ve enjoyed your playful presence
Moon shadow, sun shadow -
my joyful side
coming to life,
testing, teasing,
no longer feeling the need
to fully hide.
Walking by the river
by the light of a full moon,
there you were
frolicking along the glowing
riverbank on the other side.
Cruising down a mountain
under a perfectly blue sky,
not a cloud in sight,
you came up from behind
and took over the run.
I felt your sheer exuberance
and joy
as we danced down the trail
with power and grace.
Welcome, shadow,
come whenever you like.
Sarah Carlson
February 27, 2008

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